January 03, 2013

the one with 2013 is to writing

Photo via the fancy
Kung isa akong tshrit - ako to.

One month. Been very busy. 4 weddings, to one I was a maid of honor, frustrating unfinished storylines and the holidays made the last month of 2012 an unforgettable one.

With all that's happening to me right now, I will try to document everything here. Just because I can see that 2013 will be pretty interesting for me. I have 3 writing venues for 2013 - scriptwriting workshop, thesis writing (which reminds me I need to study for my comprehensive exam) and "play" writing (yes what you call blog writing)

Back when I was in Grade 3, I dreamed if I can be a writer someday. I was not specific but I am hoping, ITO na yun.

2013 is to write with love, dreams and happiness.

merci merci

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